September 16, 2024    About Us

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Please read our Quick Start Guide or check out our one minute video if you are having issues navigating the site.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Does the InvestorPOS Xpress repository contain all mutual fund documents in Canada?
    Yes, our repository contains all Canadian mutual fund documents (approximately 33,000) that have been filed through SEDAR and are available on the SEDAR site. Unlike SEDAR where fund companies file the documents as large, multi-document, the documents are filed in our repository as single PDF documents and tagged with appropriate metadata for searching ease. Our repository may not contain all documents on a mutual fund company’s web site, if those documents were not filed on SEDAR.
  2. Does the InvestorPOS Xpress repository contain all Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF) summary documents in Canada?
    Yes, the repository contains all ETF summary documents.
  3. How often are documents updated?
    The Canadian regulation currently requires all fund companies to file updated documents on SEDAR on an annual basis, or more frequently if there is a material change to the underlying mutual fund. Documents are updated daily on the InvestorPOS Xpress repository as they become available through SEDAR.
  4. Am I required to deliver a document to my client?
    The Canadian regulators have announced that beginning on June 13, 2014 and as part of Stage 2 of the Point of Sale regulation, documents must be delivered to investors in lieu of a prospectus within two days of the mutual fund purchase. For those interested in early adoption, InvestorPOS has received exemptive relief from regulators allowing any dealer using the InvestorPOS platform to start delivering documents before this deadline. Contact us at to learn how. Stage 3 of the Point of Sale regulation will require delivery of a document at the time of, or prior to the mutual fund purchase. No deadline for Stage 3 has been set yet by Canadian regulators.
  5. How do I register for the InvestorPOS Xpress delivery service?
    To register for InvestorPOS Xpress delivery service click on the "Register" link in the top right of the home page at Enter your information in the "Advisor Registration" fields on the right side of the page. Click "Create" to create your profile. On your next visit to the site you may sign in using your email address and password that you created at registration.
  6. Why do I have to register?
    By registering, you are able to securely store your client delivery information and track all documents orders. The system automatically creates your personal Quick List – the documents that you use the most.
  7. Is the InvestorPOS Xpress site secure?
    Yes, this is a secure site. your documents delivery information is only available to you for tracking and reporting purposes.
  8. I cannot find the documents I am looking for. What should I do?
    The InvestorPOS Xpress repository contains all Canadian mutual fund documents that have been filed through SEDAR and are available on the SEDAR site, but if you have difficulty finding a document try searching by FundSERV code, fund name, fund company or asset class. Use the Advanced Search feature located below the main search field of our home page. If you are still having difficulty please contact us at or contact the fund company directly.
  9. When will my order be delivered?
    If the document(s) is sent via email it will leave our servers within seconds and be delivered within a ten minute time frame, with normal connectivity and transmission speeds. If the documents is sent via regular mail the documents leaves our facility within 24 hrs and may take 2-7 business days to arrive, depending on where the order is being mailed as per Canada Post delivery standards. All documents orders are fulfilled in Ontario.
  10. How do I place an order?
    Please refer to our “Quick Start Guide” in the “Help” section at the top of the home page at
  11. How do I use the Quick List feature?
    To use the Quick List feature simply login to the site and click on the “Quick List” button. Documents appearing in the list are system-generated and based on your own usage and delivery activity. Select the documents you would like to send and click “Add to Cart”. The documents will then be added to your cart. From here, you may Add More Documents or click on the “Delivery and Investor Info” button to checkout.
  12. Can I add or delete from the documents listed in the Quick List feature?
    An option to delete the documents in the Quick List feature is not currently available, but may be introduced in an upcoming release.
  13. Can I change my password?
    A password change option is not currently available on InvestorPOS.
  14. Is the InvestorPOS Xpress repository available with a French user interface?
    Yes, you can click on the ‘Français’ button in the top right corner of the home page and the site language appearing in the user interface will change to French. The actual documents are also available in French; however, availability of the French documents is dependent on the fund company that files the document with the regulators.
  15. Can I see my order history?
    Yes, once you sign in you can click on the "Compliance Reporting" link on the top right of the home page to see all electronic and print/mail delivery events. A list of orders you have placed will appear here, with the most recent order at the top of the page. You can then choose your order number by clicking on the arrow on the left side of the order number. Compliance reporting for that order will be displayed. You can use the filter to search for an order sent on a particular date. Simply click on the calendar icon under the “Delivery Date” column, choose your date, and then click on the filter icon.
  16. How do I remove the watermark from the documents PDF?
    All documents display a watermark when being viewed prior to being delivered. Once you place an order to deliver the documents electronically or by print/mail, the documents are delivered without a watermark.
  17. Where are the email orders sent from?
    The email orders are sent from InvestorPOS’ secure mail servers. For investors receiving a document delivery email, the ‘from’ field in the email order sent by InvestorPOS is ''. If this email is being blocked by the investor’s email provider, you may need to ensure that this email address is added to their safe sender's list with their service provider to confirm the email will be received in their inbox. If in your advisor profile on InvestorPOS Xpress you have requested that an email confirmation is sent to you when documents are sent to the investor, you may need to ensure '' is added to your safe sender's list with your service provider to confirm the email will be received in your inbox.
  18. As an asset manager, is there a cost to offer my company’s documents on InvestorPOS’ Xpress repository?
    There is no cost to the asset manager for having its documents listed on InvestorPOS. Our site currently stores all Canadian mutual fund documents and ETF summary documents that have been filed with SEDAR.
  19. How do I add an address to my Address Book?
    When you place a document delivery order with InvestorPOS, the delivery address will automatically be saved in your Address Book. Where InvestorPOS Xpress delivery is implemented for all advisors at the dealer’s head office, we can integrate our solution with the dealer’s CRM system and sync client address and contact information with Xpress. At the individual advisor level, we do not currently offer an address update feature for the Address Book.
  20. How long is address information kept in the Address Book?
    Address information for your documents deliveries is maintained in the system securely for as long as you choose. You are able to add, delete or edit address information at any time.
  21. Who do I contact to discuss InvestorPOS solutions for my company?
    You may email InvestorPOS at to request more information about InvestorPOS solutions for your company, or visit
  22. How are the taxes calculated on my order?
    For all goods and services provided online, sales taxes are charged based on the home province of the order placer.
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